Thursday, July 10, 2008

Use it or lose it....

Good news is out for those men who are getting theirs frequently.

Finnish researchers have found that " who said they had sexual intercourse less than once a week had twice the risk of developing erectile dysfunction, compared with men reporting having sexual intercourse once a week. "

The data even seems to indicate that the greater the frequency of sexual intercourse, the lower the incidence of erectile dsyfunction.

Unfortunately, the study only investigated the effects of actual sexual intercourse and not masturbation. Of course, one associate professor of urology is quoted in the last paragraph of the linked report theorizing: " ...this (masturbation) is essentially the same concept, ... Anything you can do to bring blood to the penis is beneficial. "

So there ya go. Get out there and exercise your little friend guys; either with your favorite workout buddy or on your own. Your future sexual potency is in your hand . . .or hands.

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