OK. I confess. I am an online voyuerist.
(Is that a real word..?? The Firefox spellchecker tells me it is not. Harrumph..!!)
Anyway . . .where was I..?? Oh yeah.
I love to surf the web randomly, seeing what I can find. The world of users like me and you randomly noting and marking our passage through this vale of tears has made this 'hobby' even more interesting recently. As the number of people out here blogging increases so does the opportunity to find new and interesting stuff.
At the top of all the main pages of these 'blogger' pages is a link to go to the 'Next Blog' What the..?? What exactly defines 'the next blog'..?? Apparently it is a random selection, a roll of the dice. You never know what is going to come up next.

Hmmm. Jennifer has the original template for the post, with dummy text and links, and one additional post ten days later of her kid, I assume. Both in May, 2008.
I am sure it is just a temporary hiatus.

This one for example, barefoothoof, that is a collection of a hundred-and-some pics of ...horse hooves..??
Horse porn maybe..?? Hey, I am still puzzling that one out...
Others use the internet for more serious purpose. Here is a group of Japanese students, of unknown age, apparently blogging about their experiences while on a study (..??) trip to Canada. I am impressed by their blogging efforts.
Others are a bit risque . . .and still others just a bit strange.
The beauty of a young smiling face...

Or simply the beauty of a flower staring you down.
So if you are ever bored of hitting all your 'regular sites', places you feel you must go visit while online . . .stop, take a break from that 'job', and just surf around a while appreciating the value and the beauty of the precious moments and small things that so many others dare to share with you, with me, and with the world.
voyeur would be appropriate! btw, nice pix (yours).
*sheepish grin*
Ya know ...I know that word. Not from personal experience mind you . . .. But I should have caught that one.
Oh well ...I still like 'voyuerist'.
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