Yet another invite from an online acquaintance:
Xxxxxxxx makes it easy to create, share and discuss your blog, photos, videos and music with more of the people you know, and less of the people you don't.
Hmmm. Perhaps there is a clue there to why I just do not get the appeal of sites like Facebook.
My idea of web-time well spent is to find new stuff I have not seen before, new people I have not met yet, new images I have not imagined, new thoughts and new music I have never heard.

Image source: victoriapeckham via flickr dot com
Why would I want to close myself up in a 'gated community' and share only with those who I am already familiar and comfortable..?? I suppose I could do both, spend time at the country club with the blue bloods and then go down to the city park and interact with the commoners.
But hey, I only have so much time to spend online ... though my wife might argue with that thought. I guess I want to spend it finding new stuff and not embracing what I already know.
Hey . . .I might even find you...

Image source: rileyroxx via flickr dot com
Yeah, I deleted that invitation to join...
1 comment:
I hear ya. I have a facebook and a myspace page, but it's not nearly as interesting as blogging and commenting with people I don't know from all over.
I have a myspace blog, but I've stopped using it because i'm so restricted with what I can say - most of the people on there know everything about my life.
And the most fucked up thing? I get waaay more comments on my blog here than I do on myspace. And I love comments. :)
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